We both joined CEL Solicitors shortly after graduating with Law degrees from the University of Liverpool. The firm supported our aspirations and gave us the opportunity to gain legal knowledge and progress our careers. As CEL Solicitors likes to develop its employees, it wasn’t long before we were both promoted from admin assistants to paralegals on the Repairs Team.
Our goal is to secure a training contract and to qualify as solicitors at CEL.
Gym: Tony, our very own ex-military Staff Performance Manager, provides the employees at CEL Solicitors with performance coaching. This includes free gym sessions on the Albert Dock which helps us with our physical and mental health.
Dress: Since it’s dress-down Friday, we all donate 50p to our chosen charity so we can dress-down. This donation is part of our on-going effort to hit our charitable target of £2,490 for the year. This year, our chosen charity is Claire House Children’s hospice which helps seriously and terminally ill children by giving them wonderful experiences, specialist nursing care and support.
Coffee: Here at CEL Solicitors we are fortunate enough to have a coffee machine and syrups galore. We start every morning by preparing a round of coffees for our team to start the day off right.
Ready: We are now ready to tackle the day. We start by prioritising our emails and returning our client’s calls.
Focus: We work hard to keep on top of our task list. If defendants breach a settlement agreement, we submit further offers and negotiate new completion dates for our client’s housing repairs and further compensation for the delay. It is important for us to keep up to date with relevant legislation and case law. We therefore take time to read any updates within housing disrepair and contract law.
Lunch: As it’s sunny, we enjoy spending our lunch outside at either Ma Boyles or Bacaro. We are also able to enjoy the Albert Dock at lunch as it is only a two-minute walk away. On colder days, we love relaxing on our think swings and lounging on the beanbags. Alternatively, you can try your luck in one of our lunch time pool tournaments.
Zen: Recently we’ve discovered that our ice machine is great for making caramel iced coffees, which are delicious! We are now ready to catch up on our afternoon emails and calls. We are then invited to head over to our chill out zone for a meditation session with CEL’s owner Jessica Hampson. Recently, we focussed on our goals and how we will strive to achieve them.
Settle: We are now in the perfect mindset to continue our negotiations and achieve settlements for our clients. We always aim to exceed our company settlement record.
“CEL, CEL, ring the bell!”
Team Talk: We gather in the amphitheatre to share our weekly updates, achievements and to participate in various activities. We take turns presenting a talk on something we are passionate about. We are also given regular legal training from our Compliance Officer, Andy, and we even have celebrity motivational speakers.
Win: We are given the opportunity to have our name picked out for a spin of the Dream Machine. We have been lucky enough to win £200!
Bar! The unlimited bar is open, and music is played. Time to unwind with our colleagues and a glass of prosecco after a long week. Let the weekend begin…